Repayment Calculator
Calculate the price of the property you wish to purchase and see how much your total monthly repayment amount will be.
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Please Note: The interest rate displayed here is the current, national, prime interest rate, as set by the South African Reserve Bank. The interest rate offered by your bank when applying for a loan may vary.
The most common home loan term is 20 years (240 months), so that’s what this repayment calculator uses, but you can change the loan term to see how the results will differ.
The prime interest rate is the basic rate of interest that commercial banks – Standard Bank, ABSA, Nedbank, FNB, Capitec, African Bank, Investec, etc. – will charge their clients when loaning them money.
All the banks now offer 100% loans. This means that banks are now willing to approve the full value of a property without requiring a large deposit.